The Global Shea Alliance is a non-profit industry association with 560 members from 35 countries including women’s groups, brands and retailers, suppliers and NGOs. Through public-private partnership, the GSA promotes industry sustainability, quality practices and standards, and demand for shea in food and cosmetics.
Noé is a member of AGK for over two years !
In Ghana, in support of the development of the shea value chain around Mole National Park and in the Western Wildlife Corridor linking the Nazinga Park in Burkina Faso to the Mole National Park in Ghana.
In Cameroon, more recently for a diagnostic on the potential and feasibility of setting up a processing unit for shea butter in the south of the Bénoué National Park.
In Ghana, Noé has set up, with its local partner A Rocha Ghana, an innovative shea butter production unit with a production capacity of 1 metric ton of butter per day and improved equipment with high efficiency (reduction of exposure to smoke, ease of producers’ work, recycling of waste into briquettes that will replace firewood), and the potential to create about 600 jobs. Through the creation of a conservation fund (financed by a bonus paid by the private company buying the butter), local communities are involved in the conservation of their natural resources (patrols, planting of trees, etc.).
In Cameroon, the shea butter production unit is built on a territorial approach for the development and conservation of natural resources. With the local partner CERAF-Nord, the different actors and users of the shea park area are brought together to develop a management plan that guarantees the preservation of resources (shea trees but also fauna and flora), and the creation of a processing unit that will generate local incomes and reduce pressure on the southern periphery of the Bénoué National Park.
In Cameroon, more recently for a diagnostic on the potential and feasibility of setting up a processing unit for shea butter in the south of the Bénoué National Park.
In Ghana, Noé has set up, with its local partner A Rocha Ghana, an innovative shea butter production unit with a production capacity of 1 metric ton of butter per day and improved equipment with high efficiency (reduction of exposure to smoke, ease of producers’ work, recycling of waste into briquettes that will replace firewood), and the potential to create about 600 jobs. Through the creation of a conservation fund (financed by a bonus paid by the private company buying the butter), local communities are involved in the conservation of their natural resources (patrols, planting of trees, etc.).
In Cameroon, the shea butter production unit is built on a territorial approach for the development and conservation of natural resources. With the local partner CERAF-Nord, the different actors and users of the shea park area are brought together to develop a management plan that guarantees the preservation of resources (shea trees but also fauna and flora), and the creation of a processing unit that will generate local incomes and reduce pressure on the southern periphery of the Bénoué National Park.

On April 29, Camille Affana, Noé's coordinator in Cameroon, gave a presentation on "Opening new supply routes to support the growing demand for shea butter – shea from Cameroon”. The event brought together more than 500 women’s groups, global processors and exporters, traders, international food and cosmetic brands, nonprofits organisations, and more to celebrate past achievements, honor current efforts, and plan for the future.
To learn more about Noé's actions to develop the shea value chain around protected areas:
In Ghana:
To learn more about Noé's actions to develop the shea value chain around protected areas:
In Ghana: